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EBS 일요시네마 방영 <옥토버 스카이>

+깡통+ 2009. 7. 27. 10:49

하아~ 어제 EBS 일요시네마를 시청했다.
DTV 채널(전국공통)은  6-1, 7-1, 9-1, 10-1, 11-1  로 잡히기 때문에..
채널을 돌리다보면 EBS 가 중간에 딱~  버티고 있다. ㅎㅎㅎ   왠지 의도적인거 같은 느낌?


헐리우드의 몇몇 영화는 미국이 세계의 경찰! 외계로부터 지구를 살리는 나라!
미국은 위대하다~  이런식의 영화가 많다.

이 영화도 실존인물을 바탕으로 한 것이라는 것을.. 
영화를 시청한지 얼마안되어 감 잡았다.

탄광촌의 4명의 소년들...
그들이 이루어내는 위대한 도전!

마지막 자막으로 나오는 이야기...
주인공 호머 힉캠 지금은 NASA에서 근무하고 있단다.

이런 영화를 보면서 솔직히 미국이 부럽기도 하다.
어떠한 분야에 전문가 기질만 있어도 대학에 가고 장학금도 준다.

호머 힉캠은 1943년 2월 19일에 태어난 나사의 공학자로서

별명이 로켓 보이 일 만큼 현대 로켓 연구의 선구자입니다.

그는 18년 넘게 나사에서 일하고 있는데

현재 나사의 로켓, 로켓발사대 등의 여러 시설 대부분은 모두 호머 힉캠이 설계 개발했습니다.

님이 보신 옥토버 스카이는 그의 생애를 영화화 한 것입니다.


호머 힉캠의 공식사이트



아래는 그의 전기입니다.(위키피디아백과사전)


Homer H. Hickam, was born on February 19, 1943, the second son of Homer, Sr. and Elsie Hickam, and was raised in Coalwood, West Virginia. He graduated from Big Creek High School in 1960 and from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (later known as Virginia Tech) in 1964 with a BS degree in Industrial engineering. A U.S. Army veteran, Mr. Hickam served as a First Lieutenant in the Fourth Infantry Division in Vietnam in 1967-1968 where he earned the Commendation and Bronze Star Medals. He served six years on active duty, leaving the service with the rank of Captain.

Hickam has been a writer since 1969 after his return from Vietnam. At first, he mostly wrote about his scuba diving adventures for a variety of different magazines. Then, after diving on many of the wrecks involved, he branched off into writing about the battle against the U-boats along the American east coast during World War II. This resulted in his first book, Torpedo Junction (1989), a military history best-seller published in 1989 by the Naval Institute Press.

Mr. Hickam was employed as an engineer for the U.S. Army Missile Command from 1971 to 1981 assigned to Huntsville, and Germany. He began employment with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration at Marshall Space Flight Center in 1981 as an aerospace engineer. During his NASA career, Mr. Hickam worked in spacecraft design and crew training. His specialties at NASA included training astronauts on science payloads, and extravehicular activities (EVA). He also trained astronaut crews for many Spacelab and Space Shuttle missions, including the Hubble Space Telescope deployment mission, the first two Hubble repair missions, Spacelab-J (the first Japanese astronauts), and the Solar Max repair mission. Prior to his retirement in 1998, Mr. Hickam was the Payload Training Manager for the International Space Station Program.

In 1998, Delacorte Press published Hickam's second book, Rocket Boys, the story of his life in the little town of Coalwood, West Virginia. It quickly became a very popular book. Rocket Boys has since been translated into eight languages and also released as an abridged audio book and electronic book. Among its many honors, it was selected by the New York Times as one of its "Great Books of 1998" and was an alternate "Book-of-the-Month" selection for both the Literary Guild and Doubleday book clubs. Rocket Boys was also nominated by the National Book Critics Circle as Best Biography of 1998. In February, 1999, Universal Studios released its critically-acclaimed film October Sky, based on Rocket Boys (The title October Sky is an anagram of Rocket Boys). Delacorte subsequently released a mass market paperback of Rocket Boys, re-titled October Sky. October Sky reached the New York Times # 1 position on their best-seller list.

Mr. Hickam's first fiction novel was Back to the Moon (1999) which was also simultaneously released as a hardcover, audio book, and eBook. It has also been translated into Chinese.

The Coalwood Way (2000), a memoir of Homer's hometown he calls "not a sequel but an equal," was published by Delacorte Press and is available in abridged audio, eBook, large print and Japanese. It was an alternate "Book-of-the-Month" selection for Doubleday book club. His third Coalwood memoir, a true sequel, was published in October 2001. It is titled Sky of Stone (2001). Sky of Stone is presently under development as a television movie. His final book about Coalwood was published in 2002, a self help/inspirational tome titled We Are Not Afraid: Strength and Courage from the Town That Inspired the #1 Bestseller and Award-Winning Movie October Sky.

His latest work is The Far Reaches (2005), published by St. Martin's Press. It is the third of his series of popular novels about Josh Thurlow, a Coast Guard officer during World War II. The series began with The Keeper's Son (2003), and continued with The Ambassador's Son in 2005.

In 1984, Mr. Hickam was presented with Alabama's Distinguished Service Award for heroism shown during a rescue effort of the crew and passengers of a sunken paddleboat in the Tennessee River. Because of this award, Mr. Hickam was honored in 1996 by the United States Olympic Committee to carry the Olympic Torch through Huntsville, Alabama, on its way to Atlanta.

In 1999, the governor of the state of West Virginia issued a proclamation in honor of Mr. Hickam for his support of his home state and his distinguished career as both an engineer and author and declared an annual "Rocket Boys Day."

For recreation, Mr. Hickam still loves to SCUBA dive. He also jogs nearly every day. A new avocation is amateur paleontology. He works with Dr. Jack Horner in Montana every summer. Most of all, however, he loves to write.

On January 15, 2006, Hickam spoke at the memorial service in Buckhannon, West Virginia for 12 miners killed in an explosion at a Sago, West Virginia mine two weeks earlier. The service was televised nationally on CNN.

His next novel will be Red Helmet, published by Thomas Nelson, which will mark his return to writing about his beloved coalfields of West Virginia. Following that, he will co-author the memoir of Anousheh Ansari. See http://www.homerhickam.com for more.


Hickam is the second son of Homer Hickam, Sr., and Elsie Hickam of Coalwood, West Virginia, United States. He is married to Linda Terry Hickam, an artist and his first editor and assistant. They love their cats and share their time between homes in Alabama and the Virgin Islands. His nickname growing up was "Sonny."[1]


Hickam initially wrote about his scuba diving adventures for a variety of different magazines. His first book, Torpedo Junction (1989), was a military history bestseller based on his research into German U-Boat attacks of the eastern American coast during World War II.

His next book, Rocket Boys: A Memoir (1998), began as a filler article in Air & Space magazine, in which he wrote about launching homemade rockets in 1950s Coalwood, West Virginia. He expanded the article into the novel, which has won many awards and been translated the world over, and in 1999 was adapted into the critically acclaimed movie October Sky. His first novel Back To The Moon (1999), was a thriller about a new space race, filled with insider information from his years at NASA.

Hickam has also written two more memoirs in the "Coalwood" series: The Coalwood Way (2000) and Sky of Stone (2001), and is currently writing the "Josh Thurlow" historical fiction series: The Keeper's Son (2003), The Ambassador's Son (2005), and The Far Reaches (2007).

His next novel will be Red Helmet (2008), published by Thomas Nelson.

In February 2007, Hickam announced that he would be working with space tourist Anousheh Ansari on a book about her spaceflight experience.[2]